Take Charge of your Life!

Learn the ancient tools of Classical Hatha Yoga in it’s pure and authentic form, from the lineage of great sage Shri Agastya Muni ji through Sadhguru.

Experience the clarity of thoughts and direct your life in the direction YOU desire. Clarity of thoughts will enhance the focus in your work and as a result your efficiency & productivity in each area of your Life will elevate multifold.

Relish in natural gift of being in Yoga

Whatever you do,
Be in Yoga

Yoga is not about physical exercise, it is a way in which you can be. It is a certain way of being. To be in this state of being needs appropriate tools apart from your efforts in this direction. We are fortunate that our ancestors have already devised these tools and we have to just follow the guidelines and reap the benefits. Today we know these scientific tools of wellbeing as Yogic practices.


At Shambhala Hatha Yoga Center we offer these tools so that you can explore the possibility to be in Yoga and navigate your life with Ease. Resulting in great success, productivity and efficiency in career, health and relationships.

Because your outside world is mere a reflection of your inside world.

Balance within, outside is just a consequence!

Great Relationships

Good Health

Productive Career

Yogic Practices have potential to upgrade your Life, Health is just a small consequence.

Why Learn Hatha Yoga at Shambhala?

Precision of practices

Precisely designed teaching methodology helps to align your body & mind with cosmic geometry.

Train your Mind

Practices that work on your Mind and give right direction to your Life by Clarity.

Mandala Support

48days - One Mandala Support to help you work on your Energy body and strengthen the foundation of your being.

Food for thoughts

Food makes who you are. Get guidance to eat & cook in right way and take one step towards life of your dreams.

Yogic Lifestyle

Yogic Lifestyle brings balance in your life by increasing efficiency. Learn the ways to switch to yogic lifestyle.

Committed Space

Practicing Yoga in committed space helps to imbibe the essence of practices in best possible manner.

Programs Offered

Surya Kriya/ Shakti

Surya Kriya is a potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness and complete inner wellbeing. Surya Kriya is a complete spiritual process by itself.  It also balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind.


Hatha Yoga is offered as a set of 21 powerful postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. This profound science enhances how one thinks, feels, and experiences life. Isha’s program requires no special physical agility or previous experience of yoga. It is not merely physical exercise, but enables a person to flower into his ultimate potential; to naturally achieve a state of health, joy, and bliss.



A series of 31 dynamic processes, rooted in yoga, to invigorate the body and reach peak physical fitness. Angamardana means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs and other parts of the body. Angamardana needs no fitness equipment. It uses only the body and can be practiced anywhere, even during travel.





UP Yoga

Upa-yoga is a simple yet powerful system of exercise that activates the joints, muscles, and energy system. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the body’s mechanics, Upa-yoga dispels inertia in the body’s energy and brings ease to the whole system. It relieves physical stress and tiredness, rejuvenates the body after a period of inactivity and negates the effects of jetlag and long travel.


Bhuta Shuddhi

The basis for all creation, including the physical body, is the group of five elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and space. The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying these five elements within the human system. This process also shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate wellbeing.





Everything that human beings have created on this planet was essentially first created in our minds. So how we organize and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows. Using the power of the mind to create what one wants in his life is called Chit Shakti. The Chit Shakti guided meditations will help you to manifest love, health, peace and success in your life.

Upcoming Classes

Individual Hatha Yoga practices

Contact for private Classes

Srijana - Prenatal Yoga

Contact for Private Classes

Whatsapp/ Call +91 6393 035 453


I have gone through Surya Kriya and Angmardana training.
I have experienced some physical and psychological transformation this are below:
1. I have lost 5-6 kg weight without any dieting only due to yogic Sadhana.
2. From last few years I have little backache problem when long traveling or long sitting occurs but in last 3 months it is pretty settled even when I am traveling the whole day with luggage or with continued sitting.
3. The body is experiencing more strength and flexibility and I am feeling more command on my body
4. But the ultimate change is at the level of my mind. I am more stable focused and self-directed.
5. Energy level is high and sleeping hours have reduced while working hours have increased.
Thanks, Sadhguru.

Student, Delhi

I would like to share my experience with Isha yoga, particularly Surya Kriya and Angamardana that I have been doing for last few months. In addition to other health benefits regarding hypertension and diabetes, I was amazed to find another change. I suffer from psoriasis on my right hand since last 4 years, and as most of you must be aware, it’s considered to be incurable. I have been living with the embarrassment and that too a part of the body that’s visible to all, and the fact that I am a dentist makes the embarrassment all the more acute.
I have had a total of 6 patches of psoriasis on my right hand, and today I noticed that two of them are almost healed, I could feel the new UNBROKEN skin at the site of two patches.
Meanwhile, the rest four of them are yet to heal, but just the sight of those two patches that have healed, brought tears to my eyes.
As we know, psoriasis is caused due to stress in addition to other factors, I attribute the healing to the Hatha Yoga practices that have immensely brought down my stress levels.
The journey is wonderful!
Thank you Sadhguru!

–  Doctor, Delhi

We were exploring a training program for our employees from Delhi office to help them manage stresses in their lives. We found an apt solution through the “Stress Management” program conducted by Isha Foundation. The program was a combination of theory and practice. Conducted over 2 days, this program covered
1. Stress management and work-life balance
2. Practice of Upayoga and Suryakriya
3. Guidance on diet
The session was conducted in a very interactive way through videos by Sadhguru, practice under the guidance of the instructor followed by debriefing and Q&A.
The program was received very well by employees. Many of them have adopted ‘Suryakriya’ as a part of daily practice.
We are thankful to Team Isha for conducting such a wonderful program. We would highly recommend this program to corporates for their employees and professionals.

– Thermax Limited

It was my first experience of Yoga in any form and I am glad it was through our corporate program. Starting with Yoga Namaskar really felt like as if a bottle of soda was opened inside me. I really felt the release of energy bubbles in my body and that’s just one session. Thanks to my MNC (Fortune 500) for getting me introduced to yogic practices of Hatha Yoga. I must also the teacher for helping us understand these practices and their impact on mind, body and soul.

– A large Multinational Company, Fortune 500

Contact us to get customized Yoga Module for your needs

Anu Kushwaha is a Hatha Yoga Teacher trained by Isha Hatha School of Yoga, founded by Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and visionary.


She has started practicing Hatha Yoga from 2015 which has helped her to get clarity of thoughts, increased productivity and focus at workplace and ability to handle any situation with calm and patience. 

She has written the book ‘Push Start to Auto Start – Drive your Life with Ease’ which has impacted life of readers immensely. She gives full credit for book writing to power of her yogic practices which has helped her to become an author and Life Clarity Coach.

After experiencing the power of Yogic Science and changing her own life, she has resigned from her Corporate Career of 12 years and became a full time Hatha Yoga Teacher to help others to experience the beauty of life.

Know more at www.anukushwaha.com